terça-feira, 1 de novembro de 2011

The Chances of Winning a Medical Malpractice Hospital Case

You hear almost daily about some medical malpractice hospital case or other, some simple open-and-shut cases, and some complicated with twists and turns both on the doctor's side and on the patient's side. For every medical malpractice hospital case that goes to the court of law, there are thousands that are dumped along the way. Most of them are dropped for lack of information, lack of money and lack of time, since such cases need a lot of follow up

The statistics show that out of every five cases only one medical malpractice hospital case will come out winning - the odds are not good for the claimant and this is why many choose to drop the case or settle for out-of-court settlements. Justice has nothing to do about filing a medical malpractice hospital case; the case is most often filed because the claimant is not happy with what type of treatment they got, and the law offers recourse for redressal. However, it is difficult to make the charges because a lay person will not be aware of many medical terms and requirements which may in the end prove the claimant's suit wrong.

Cap of Non-Economic Claims of a Medical Malpractice Hospital Case

Nonetheless, malpractice cases occur everyday and there are many people who deserve to be compensated for the pain that they suffered due to wrong diagnosis, incorrect treatment, negligence, etc. on behalf of the viagra cialis online pharmacy pharmacy. The medical practitioner is bound by law and the Hippocratic Oath to practice safe medicine and protect his or her patient from harm at all costs. However, due to the increase in such lawsuits and the impact these have on the market of insurance and the willingness of the doctors to take risks in treating patients, a cap for non-economic awards has been imposed at $250,000.

This cap does not include the costs claimed as loss of pay, loss of job, costs of additional treatment and travel for the treatment that the claimant might have incurred due the medical malpractice he/she suffered.

Medical Malpractice Hospital Case and the Court of Law

There is no doubt that the law takes its course. However, it is very difficult to get justice from the point of view of the claimant because a medical suit revolves around medical terms and information that is not easily furnished or obtained. Nonetheless, there are a good number of cases that win remarkable awards and these keep the hope alive for those who wish to get justice.

sábado, 29 de outubro de 2011

Health Illiteracy

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Nearly half of adults in the United States – 90 million – have a difficult time understanding health information, including doctors recommendations and dosage information, according to a report from the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies.

Those unable to process basic information have difficulty making appropriate decisions regarding their health. The result is higher hospitalization rates and increased emergency room visits, costing billions of dollars.

As insurance companies continue to fight to control costs, patients must become their own advocates. They must seek out information, monitor their own health, and decide care programs. If a patient is not able to understand the options, chronic disease management (diabetes, HIV, hypertension, cardiac disease) becomes less effective.

Even those with "strong reading and writing skills" can have trouble understanding health information; too often instructions are written in medical jargon.

The health industry as a whole needs to make efforts to create understanding. And patients need to educate themselves about their own situations: insurance, medical options and procedures.

Source: www.medicalnewstoday.com

terça-feira, 3 de maio de 2011


“The reason unorthodox medicines, supplements and therapies so often match the placebo effect is simple: they are placebos. If a man takes a pill containing powdered rhino horn for erectile dysfunction (a traditional African remedy) and ends up with a rhino-sized erection, it is his brain that has done the work, not the ingredients. If, however, he gets the same result after taking purchase cialis, that is almost certainly because the drug sildenafil citrate has increased the blood flow into his penis. cheap cialis works, and Pfizer, who make it, can justifiably say so. The rhino pill manufacturers can only truthfully say that their product may possibly have a beneficial effect – but not as a result of anything that the product contains. And the same goes for the manufacturers of thousands of herbal remedies and food supplements.”
(Damian Thompson in ‘Counterknowledge,’ p. 93 Landmark)

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I am Nitin from Mumbai. I want to know that Can I take cialis 25 when I am on a cycle of Deca Durabolin? I had taken Deca 2 years before and I body gain my cycle was 4 shots 25mg per week, 4 shots 50mg per week, 4 shots 100mg per week this was 3 months cycle but that time I was unmarried and now occasionally I use Viagra. So please clear my problem.


dude i am 14 and know more then youyou are a dumb SH*Tno offense you need to research this sh*t! deca durabolin is a great bulker, but when used with out testosterone it is very suppressive on your libidio, you obviousilly didnt do a pct from your cycle, and you obviousilly didnt know that deca needs to be taken at 300-400 mg per week for atleast 10 weeksyou have to take viagra because your testosterone SOP is suppressed, you need nolvadex or clomid, or hcg bro, research is the basic grate on nerves everything

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